Friday, June 20, 2008

Swing Out

I did go dancing last night. It took some effort to drag myself out, but I am so glad I went.

Dancing itself was great, but the best part was seeing all the new people, and watching them light up on the dance floor.

A girl who's learning to lead asked me to dance; I thought she'd seen me leading earlier, so I asked if she wanted to lead or follow, and she was delighted that I lead, too. Half through the dance she started to follow, and at song's end I spun her 3 or 4 times.

She was amazed, because apparently most leads spin her off her axis and she can't balance. I showed her the technique and explained why it works. God, it felt good to pass that on!

My general technique needs a lot of work these days, especially balboa. But that's okay, I know where to begin.

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