Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes, we did!

And to celebrate President-Elect Obama's election and elegant, heartfelt and dignified speech, I will be knitting this:

It's from a book about to come out [Picture Perfect Knits], but I am using the free pattern. I am not usually an intarsia fan, but this, I think, is worth the struggle.

I'll even be spending...for this sweater I need yarn that's not in the stash. I won't use the acrylic, though. Ugh. Lion Brand has wool—REAL wool—yarn now, though, and I will, I hope, be using that.

Yes, we can.


Philip Marlowe said...

Indeed we did! I'm not only happy that the Dem candidate won, but that he carried my own state of Florida, too! I hope he and the Dem majority can deliver the leadership so sorely needed.

Alma said...

Yes, you did! And we abroad are cheering you on. It's impossible not to be moved and inspired by his words and his character. For once America has a leader to be proud of. Congratulations!
And kiss the cats