Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Socks are Finished

Hold your applause.

I knit two different cuffs. Both are twisted ribbing, but one is K1, P3, and the other is K2, P2. Argh!

And I'm keeping them that way. A lesson, and all that. Apparently I knit the first one and then lost the detailed notes, so I took a quick look at the first sock and went on my merry way. I usually knit K2, P2, you see.

Oh, well. I did get back to my oversized Cozy (from Knitty) and am now back on track with that.

The project I'm thinking of starting is a sweater from a British hardcover on knitting, from the 30s, I think. It's garter stitch, in thin stripes. The sort of thing you knit to use up odd balls. I've been thinking about this particular sweater for quite a while, so it'll happen eventually. And it's a very simple knit; as it's garter stitch, not much shaping is necessary.

The pattern is in The Pictoral Guide to Modern Home Knitting, edited by Catherine Franks, A.R.C.A. No copyrite date, but my guess is late 30s.

Maybe I'll cast on for it some time this week (but don't make book on that).


Philip Marlowe said...

I wouldn't count them out yet. The Yankees will win the division, but the "socks" can get the wild card... :D

Hope you're well.

Batty said...

I've done this too... lost notes, kinda-sorta knitted the second sock like the other... only to realize the heel is completely different. Eh. Nobody will look that closely.

The sweater sounds great. That's what I call a leftover yarn stash buster.