Wednesday, February 29, 2012

...and joined the Circus

Cirque de Ville, anyway. At The Dorrance, in downtown Providence. Another spectacular Chifferobe event.

(B&W image courtesy of LuLu Locks, of Providence Pin-Up. The color pic is one taken by a friend of the snake's handler.)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mardi Gras Brings You...


I know. There should be pictures. (Sorry.) However, we're going to a Mardi Gras party tomorrow. DH doesn't want to wear a costume, but he thought he'd like a mask. Me, too.

He'll be in black tie, but I'm going a bit steampunk. Think Idris (Sexy. Mrs. Doctor [Who]). I've dug out an old--15 years or more--stage costume, including corset, and though I won't be as Suranna Jones was costumed, the look will be similar.

The masks are quite simple. I took a plain plastic mask and used it as a pattern. It has two layers: one of brown felt, for against the face, and one of burnt black velvet, for the outside. My husband's is very plain. It's velvet, with binding around the outide, and fabric ties. Mine is of the same fabric, but with beadwork around the eyes. The ties (not yet attached) will also be of fabric.

These are the second and third masks I've made from scratch, after the papier mache mask I made for a Halloween event.

Who else makes masks, and how? Of what fabrics?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Knitting for the Nursery

Ravelry to the rescue, again. Please excuse the lack of a link, Blogger is again being useless in that regard.

As several of my friends have presented the world with babies recently--girls, too!--I had a perfect excuse to look for something really fun to knit.

What's better than toys? Bearing that in mind, I went to work, and came up with a couple of charmers: Vintage Rabbit and Laurie Lambkin. The rabbit is a free pattern, but the lamb is from an OOP book, Nursery Knits, by Tessa Watts-Russell. The lamb is so adorable that I went straight out and found a copy online. The book also includes some good teddy bear patterns and baby and toddler sweaters, as well as plenty of bear wear.

The bunny is coming along on #3s. It's very appealing, much like the Velveteen Rabbit in looks, and adapted from a vintage pattern published by Patons, in the 40s. The lamb is written for #5 needles, but I went up to a #6 to get gauge. She's a very quick knit; I cast on yesterday, but am nearly half-way on the knitting.

Both require quite a lot of seaming, as most vintage style knitted toys do, but it's going to be worthwhile. When they're complete I will post photos. And, quite possibly, will cast on for a couple more, to keep!

Friday, February 03, 2012

Back to the Frog Pond, or, In Need of Instant Gratification Projects

Lately I can't seem to knit even the simplest item without ripping back. I began the heel of Gray Sock #2 before completing the leg. On the golf sweater I forgot to begin bind offs for the armseye while working on the front. I'm back on track with the socks, but haven't yet ripped back on the sweater.

It's time to make some small, quick projects, the kind of things that are finished so quickly and easily that they provide almost instant gratification. Baby socks, maybe (lots of new babies out there lately). Or lacy washcloths, or even doll clothes, though I don't know any doll parents or collectors!

I know I'm not the only one who ends up in this situation periodically. What kind of items would you make in like circumstances?